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Transform the
Emissions Management
with the Occatu Platform

We are developing a system that will streamline the process of collecting data and calculating your company's Greenhouse Gas Emissions.


Capture data from your entire production chain

Up to 90% of its emissions come from Scope 3.
Our platform helps you calculate them in a simple way.

A complete technological solution

The Occatu platform was developed to support companies in the transition to a low-carbon economy, offering advanced tools for managing GHG emissions.

Data Collection

Make it easy to enter data from multiple sources, including utilities and other resources.

Emissions Calculation

Use validated scientific methodologies for accurate GHG emissions calculations.

Data Analysis

Identify critical points and improve the environmental footprint of your products with our analytical tools.


Generate detailed, customized reports that provide a comprehensive view of your greenhouse gas emissions.

Scope 1, 2 and 3 carbon accounting according to the GHG Protocol


Lead the Climate Journey


Assess your environmental impact

Identify critical areas in your supply chain, improve your product footprint, and advance your sustainability goals.


Align with global standards

Use environmental accounting that offers consistency, comparability and transparency, positioning your company as a reference in the sector.


Monitor and report progress

Use auditable, scientifically-backed data to build a solid foundation, protecting your business against future regulatory changes.

Solid Scientific Basis

The Occatu platform calculations are built based on standards and models validated by the scientific community.

By integrating this knowledge into a single platform, Occatu offers a comprehensive analysis of the environmental impact of food chains, covering GHG emissions, effects on water resources and biodiversity.

Make data entry easy for comprehensive emissions calculation

Monitor and manage scopes 1, 2, and 3 in an integrated manner across your organization and supply chain.

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Clear methodological guidelines and calculations

  • Emission factor database covering EPA, IPCC, GHG Protocol, DEFRA, among others

  • Carefully selected, customized emission factors

  • Auditable and easy to understand calculations

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